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Robot Brother Lab Adventure

Robot Brother Lab Adventure

As the title of the game says, this Robot Brother Lab Adventure sounds like a lot of fun and that is also because you get to play with robots and that sounds amazing for a 2 player game like this one so we hope you will be curious to invite one of your good friends and try out this Robot Brother Lab Adventure togehter because we just know you are going to have fun. Given the fact that this is a 2 player game, each of you dear kids has to control one of the robots but the fun and itneresting part about this ability and adventure game is that the robots are tied together so you have to really learn how to work as a team because you have to coordinate each other, you can't go to far from each other and that sometimes will make your mission to be more difficult. Good luck!


player 1: arrow keys; player 2: w,a,s,d.Th




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Robot Brother Lab Adventure is one of the 581 games added to Adventure Games category, that we recommend you to play and then tell us your feedback through a comment in the dedicated section. The game Robot Brother Lab Adventure have been played 1152 times and this game have been added on on 24 April 2018, this game have been voted 1 times, and his rate is 100%. This game have been commented 0 times from players that have been played this game.